How can I buy a constellation?

Have you found yourself thinking about how to buy a constellation? We have gathered all the information you need to name a star, and even buying a constellation. Mainly through astrology, constellations popularity has increased day by day. Join us to discover every detail about buying a constellation.

What is a constellation?

Constellations are groups of stars that form visible figures in the sky when using a little bit of imagination. Astronomers from Mesopotamia, Greece and other ancient civilizations dedicated themselves to name them according to their beliefs and perspectives of the night sky.

The oldest constellation drawings date back from 4000 BC. Every civilization interested in astronomy studied these patterns and gave constellations a name of their own. For example, Sumerians matched “An,” the one who pours the water of immortality on Earth, with the constellation we know as Aquarius.

Using only their imagination, astronomers draw lines and connections between the stars forming different figures and symbols. As a result they organize the sky in constellations that usually represent mythical characters.

That’s why to buy a constellation results so intriguing; because you can establish a more direct connection with the power of your zodiac sign.

Can I buy a constellation?

If you can buy a star, you can buy a constellation. An important detail to keep in mind is that stars and celestial bodies that are part of a constellation, may not be as close to each other as they seem, even though they look side by side at first glance,

Constellations have stars of different sizes, and some are brighter or more noticeable than others. Therefore, it is essential for you to receive the professional advice of a responsible team that can guarantee the selection and registration of all the stars that form the entire constellation of your preference.

It is important to know that the constellations visible from the northern hemisphere are not the same as those from the southern hemisphere. That’s why in Cosmonova we have a detailed selection of different star types, location and brightness so you can have all the information to make the right call.

For example: the largest constellation in the whole sky is “Hydra,” which is formed by 68 stars. In contrast, Crux, on the other hand, is the smallest constellation with only 4 visible stars.

Most popular constellations:

To this day, the International Astronomical Union has registered 88 constellations. Nonetheless the most popular are -in case you’re looking to buy a constellation- those known as the “zodiac constellations” since they are related to the sun signs:

  • Aries
  • Taurus
  • Gemini
  • Cancer
  • Leo
  • Virgo
  • Libra
  • Scorpio
  • Sagittarius
  • Capricorn
  • Aquarius
  • Pisces

Seasonal constellations:

Spring constellations:

Crater, Hydra and Leo are the more visible constellations during springtime. They are located in an area delimited by a triangle formed by Regulus, Spica, and Arcturus.

Summer constellations:

The three shinier stars of the season are Altair from the Eagle constellation, Deneb from the Swan, and Vega of Lira.

Autumn constellations:

With the change of season, we also change perspectives, and we become able to watch galaxies that are incredibly far away, such as Andromeda, Aquarius, and Pegasus.

Winter constellations:

Winter is the best time for sky observation. The Winter Hexagon formed by Capella, Aldebaran, Rigel, Sirius, Procyon, Castor, and Pollux will provide you helpful orientation in the starry night.

Finally, with more than 88 possibilities, there are also millions of individual stars that can be yours to honor the memory of a loved one, make a love promise, or an investment in your own spiritual growth, what are you waiting for to buy a constellation?